The Moon is a part of our daily lives, whether we are aware of it's influence or not. Here I've compiled a list of my favorite tips, tricks and how to's for getting through the full Moons energies.
The full moon is the climax of the lunar cycle and brings with it a feeling of what can be overwhelming emotions, as aspects of our shadow selves come to the surface for release and healing. Making this a powerful time for inner work, reflecting on our goals and letting go of what no longer serves us.
This can include letting go of lower vibrational emotions, such as
- Negative Patterns
- Toxic Thoughts
- Bad Habits
- Toxic People
- Guilt and Fear
- Disappointment and Jealousy
It's also the perfect time for shifting blocks and shedding the past.
The energy generated during this time can create a tug of war between striving for our goals and the "enoughness" of who we are as our insecurities come to the surface at this time. This also brings areas of ourselves to the surface for healing and balancing to our attention.
The full moon can as such be used to process the following
- Negative Emotions
- Fears
- Upsets
- Disappointments
- Wrongdoings
- Arguments
- Dramas
As you can probably tell there is a strong theme of forgiveness, both of ourselves and others. It's important that we try to remember that when we come here we have soul contracts with others and when someone does us wrong there is often a lesson to be learnt from the situation or the way in which we react.
How to write a forgiveness list
To help bring our desires to fruition it's important to practice forgiveness and a forgiveness list is a great way to do that. Follow the three steps below, keeping in mind safety when using an open flame being mindful of where and how you carry our step 3.
Write out a list of up to 5 people, places or situations that you wish to forgive and let go of. (This should be done on loose paper where possible)
Envision each person, place or situation one at a time in a pink bubble of love. Allowing yourself to really feel the love and forgiveness in your heart and body.
Once you have finished going through the list, burn it in a heat proof dish making sure not to leave it unattended while burning or smoldering.
You can use this at anytime, not just at the full moon.
How to write a gratitude list
Then you could follow this up with a gratitude list, as I find it balances out the energies nicely and raises your vibrations and energies.
Write down up to 5 things, people, places that you are grateful for in this moment, they can be happy memories, your pet, favorite desert etc. Start your list small and simple.
Drop into how each item on your list makes you feel, allow yourself to fully feel it in your body and heart. You will probably end up with a big grin on your face by the end of this part.
Then once you have finished going through the list, just like you did with the forgiveness list, burn it in a heat proof dish making sure that it has completely gone out before leaving unattended.
Gratitude lists are a great way to raise your vibration no matter what time of the moon phase and help to refocus on the positives in life.
Crystals to work with at the full moon
While it's great to work with crystals at any time, there are crystals that can be used to work with the moons energies and bring us a little closer to divine feminine in us all.
- Moonstone: Goddess and Divine Feminine energy
If you feel like something is missing from your life, wear or carry moonstone to draw it to you. This crystal is also linked with intuition, PMT and Menopause, which is also linked with the moon and divine feminine energies.
- Selenite: Goddess Energy
Aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility both physically and emotionally, aids in inner child or shadow work and is named after the Greek Moon Goddess Selene.
- Opal: Water Energy and Purification
This helps with letting go of fears and blocks that may come up that have been holding you back. Linked with emotions and can help purify our energy bodies on all levels.
- Rose Quartz: Love and Acceptance
Calms emotions and promotes self love, heals all kinds of trauma. Helping us to accept ourselves and others exactly as we are, which can be just what's needed when emotions are high around the full moon
- Carnelian: Creativity and Birthing Ideas
This is a stone of creativity, linked with the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras which are the seat of our creative power, energy and self worth. Use this crystal to help focus your creative power and get your goals met, it is also a good crystal for bringing your manifestations to fruition.
- Citrine:
Linked with the Sacral, Solar Plexus and Brow Chakra it helps to bring you into alignment with your higher self and take inspired action to reach goals and manifest desires. It can also aid digestion, menopause and help to increase energy to get things done.
- Copper
Brings balance, and can be used with crystals to amplify the healing energies of the crystals it's used with.
For raw and tumbled crystals are available via my website, where you can also find copper wire wrapped jewellery.
Essential oils and the full moon
Essential oils are a great mood lifter and can be used in many ways, if you like using them in oil burners, diffusers or any of the many ways oils can be used then this list is for you. Here I've outlined the main oils linked with the full moon and the energies that generally come up around this time.
- Peppermint: Helps headaches and promotes alertness
- Lavender: Aids sleep and concentration
- Sweet Orange: Is a great mood lifter
- Chamomile: Aids energetic release of negative emotions and blocks
- Juniper: Aids clarity, mental balance and grounding.
While I recommend meditation as a part of your daily practice, it is also perfect to do as part of your full moon practice and can help to keep you grounded as the energies can be quite disorientating, making us feel slightly adrift.
I've included a guided grounding meditation below, which you can use at anytime you feel slightly adrift or caught up in your emotions.
Tarot Journaling
Can help guide you to look more closely at aspects of your life, and by using tarot it allows you to see things from a different perspective than standard inner child work.
Follow these easy steps to try it for yourself
Find your favorite tarot deck
Shuffle and ask "what do I need to journal about today"
Pick a card in whatever why you feel draw to (by cutting the deck, selecting the one you are most draw to, what falls out while shuffling etc. you get the idea)
Focus on the image and what that brings up for you, how does it make you feel? What symbols do you notice? What colours stand out? Just keep going with as many questions as you can think of, and write it all down.
You may find that the longer you journal, more will come to the surface.
As far as I know this originates in Hawaii and is part of a Shamanic ritual, it's something that I first started using a few years ago and is great for if you are beating yourself up about anything or are feeling guilty for past actions.
When you are feeling like this, simply allow yourself to fully feel and embody these emotions and then preferably while looking at yourself in a mirror or imagining your younger self in front of you say.
I'm sorry,
Please forgive me,
Thank you,
I love you
I like to do this for at least 3 times, but you can keep going until you feel these negative emotions be released
So as you can see there are many ways to work with the energies around the full moon and support yourself during anything that comes up.
All links provided are to healing moons website and if you have any questions about the products I'd be happy to answer them.
Until next time
Love & Light
Georgie x