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Writer's pictureGeorgina West

Healthy living with the seasons

Updated: Mar 16, 2021

The Healthy Witch - A Workbook for Optimal Health; A Review

With the age of Aquarius upon us, a lot of us are going through or been through a spiritual awakening or are simply looking for ways to look after our bodies and live in harmony with the Earth in ways that may seem new to many.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in harmony with the ever changing seasons of our planet? Feel out of whack with whatever is going on in your body? Suffer with unexplained pain, stiffness or food allergies?

What would you think if I told you there was a book that takes you through the major organs of our bodies and links them with seasonal foods, elements and provides short practices that can help to bring you back in harmony with both your body and the planet as a whole, while helping to ease aches, pains and maybe lose a pound or two...

That's what The Healthy Witch by TJ Perkins is all about, with actionable steps, magikal associations and the book doubles as a workbook for you to keep a record of your action plan as you create it.

Each chapter takes you through a month in the year and has been thoughtfully written in a way that means you can start at any point in the year, so there is no need to wait for the new year or special occasion. It also works through the elements as they relate to the release of energy when creating a pentagram. Starting with Spirit, then earth, water, air, and fire, all the while bringing the focus to the body and physical which is something the world as a whole seems to do less and less of as we speed through life, it also reminds us of the spiritual connection we all have to the planet and our higher selves or the divine.

After completing the task of scanning the body and listing any aches, pains and conditions at the end of chapter one, it swiftly moves into the spirit and spring element, which covers the liver and gallbladder at the start of chapter two.

How do I know if my liver is not happy?

  • All-over muscle pain, muscle inflammation, muscle cramping

  • Burning or irritation of the eyes

  • Tendon problems

  • Migraines (left side of head)

  • Indigestion and bloating

  • Stress

  • Yeast infections

  • Excess weight

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Menstrual problems/PMS/menopause

It then covers what causes liver failure and magikal association including but not limited to, the element, tarot card, season, colour, taste, emotion and crystal. Followed by a list of things you can do to help fix your liver and gallbladder, this includes the foods and drinks that may currently be in your diet which it's recommended you avoid and things that you can introduce which will help.

TJ Perkins also references the goals of a witch, quoting Scott Cunningham and talks about the pagan how the practices in this book can help you to achieve some of these. And encourages us all the waken and heal ourselves, man or woman we are all connected to the planet and the divine. By bringing ourselves into alignment through good self-care practices, including regular exercise when possible, a healthy well rounded diet, presence and enjoyment of life, we will each find our ideal weight and shape for us as an individual.

The Goals of a Witch

  1. Know thyself

  2. Know thy Craft

  3. Learn; knowledge is power

  4. Apply knowledge with wisdom

  5. Achieve balance in your life and everything around you

  6. Keep your words in good order; negativity breeds negativity

  7. Keep your thoughts in good order

  8. Celebrate life and all the stages of it

  9. Attune with the cycle of the Earth and Moon

  10. Breathe and eat correctly

  11. Exercise the body as well as the spirit

  12. Meditate everyday

  13. Honor the Goddess and God

Regardless of whether you are a pagan or not, you can still see the importance of most of these goals, point 2. Know thy Craft and relate to the work you do and career choices you make. And without goals 9 and 13 it would still lead to a healthy, happy abundant life, driven by inner riches that will then reflect in the outer circumstances of your life as you go through life acting as a magnet to everything you desire but do not need, because the feeling of needing something creates a sense of lack and repels it from our lives.

In chapter 5 - seasons of the witch; you can find solo practices for each of the Sabbats and Solstices throughout the year, linking the elements and magikal prospects of each. At the beginning of each one TJ Perkins also covers what aspect of the self is at play and how to bring our attention to that part of ourselves enabling you to do the work involved to clear and find peace with each shadow aspect as it arises throughout the year.

The last part of this book also covers herbs and further reading should you wish to delve deeper into this and using herbs in a more in-depth way to enhance and treat aliments in a natural way. This in no way is intended to replace modern medicine should you need it, but to compliment it and sooth the soul in a holistic and wise-woman capacity.


This is a well thought out and presented book, which comes as a hardback with a built in ribbon bookmark. In an easy to follow format with straightforward tasks and easy to understand information, TJ Perkins writes in a friendly and candid tone showing a clear desire to help others.

This book, along with the Workplace Spells by Marla Brooks will be used in the future workshops with myself and Charlotte from Charlies Angel Tarot. Please contact me directly for more information

You can also read my review of the Workplace Spells

I would also like to thank Schiffer Publishing for the opportunity to review this book, if you would like to purchase a copy you can do so by clicking the link above, which will take you directly to their website or it can be purchased from most bookshops and online retailers.

Until next time..

Love & Light


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