How often do you feel that you should be doing more on your witchcraft journey, keep meaning to make time for your practice or not sure where to begin?
We've all been there (while some of us still are... points to self), but we forget that magick runs through us and from us everyday, no fancy rituals or tools needed.
So with this in mind I wanted to share a simple way to add a little magick to the start of your day regardless of your schedule.
This is perfect for those new to the craft or seasoned pro's who just need a little reminder or nudge to bring your practice into a more tangible everyday affair. It also doesn't matter if you're in the broom-closet, living with muggles or out for the whole world to know your witchy ways.
Most of us at some point make a hot drink at the start of the day, and this can be used to set our intention for the day. Now this might be a completely new idea that you haven't thought of or heard of before, the beauty of this practice is that you can make it as simple or in depth as you feel called to.
Thinking about what you want to achieve for the day, is it something that will increase throughout the day, like prosperity, health, love? If so stirring your hot drink with this intention in mind, stir clockwise nine times while seeing your intention in your mind as if it has already happened and embody how it feels.
However if you wish to minimise something or mindfully release something, then do the same process except stirring anti-clockwise instead.
You can also add more depth to the practice if you feel called to such as saying a few words or making herbal brew from scratch, and adding herbs and spices with their magical intent in mind such as a touch of cayenne pepper for energy and creativity, honey for healing and energy, milk for heath and healing, whatever your choice focus on the magickal purpose as you place them in your cup.
What I really love about this is that you can set your intent wherever you are, popped into your local coffee shop on your way to work? Not a problem, simply take a few deep breaths to calm and center yourself (you have the excuse of enjoying the aroma of your chosen drink) and then stir in your intention for the day, meeting, interview etc.
Enhancing your magickal practice or even starting it, can be as simple as this. I'm of the belief that we are constantly linked with our own magickal power and that of the universe whether we are conscious of it or not and what we focus on grows, despite if that focus is on negative or positive things and situations. This is a means of becoming aware and mindful of what our attention is on so that we can start consciously creating the life we want and see life as happening for us and through us rather than to us, because we give all of our power away when stuck in a mindset of life happening to us.
No one truly wants that and neither do I want that for you.
I hope this has given you a practical way to infuse your day with a little magick and provides food for thought going forwards.
Please let me know in the comments if you try this practice and share your thoughts on it
Until next time....